Posts by Alex Bruda

Testimony from a Romania VBS Camp

Young volunteers had the time of their lives a week ago at the Vacation Bible School (VBS) hosted in Baia Mare, Romania, called, “Blue Planet Detectives.” They shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with over 150 children between the ages of 3 and 14. EGM-Romania has been heavily involved in preparing the materials for VBS…

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Reaching Children in Uganda

EGM’s East and Central Africa Resource Team Director, Emmanuel Manishimwe, recently shared this story about a Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement located in the Kamwenge district, in Southwest Uganda. The camp accommodates over 50,000 refugees fleeing from conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo, half of which are estimated to be children. On July 7th and 8th, leaders from EGM…

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Spring Swing 2015 a God-honoring success!

Thank the LORD for being timely with the rain. The Spring Swing 2015 went off without a hitch AND Southern CA got some much needed water. Thanks to everyone who helped make Spring Swing 2015 such a HUGE success. Participants at the event were much appreciated and will greatly help Every Generation Ministries transform children in Christ…

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Summit 2015: March Madness at EGM

The EGM team has been busy! Every Generation Ministries had its own style of “March Madness” in the form of Summit 2015. The first ever international staff summit, simply called the Summit, was held in Southern California at the EGM-US office for two weeks in March. Staff members from all around the world took part…

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Sharing the Word of God using Play-Doh

Miguel Angel Castellanos shared this story from an EGM leadership program at Iglesia Monte Sinai in Oaxaca, Mexico… Nine brothers and sisters in Christ, both young and old, participated in a children’s ministry teacher training at Iglesia Cristiana Monte Sinai. They were very attentive during class. I shared about the mission of Every Generation Ministries (EGM) and went through…

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Children’s Ministry Training at Iglesia Latina

In April 2014, Pastor Federico Salas and his daughter, Ana, drove all the way from San Diego to Santa Ana to attend an Every Generation Ministries (EGM) children’s ministry training program. They enjoyed it so much that they invited EGM to the church he pastors, Iglesia Latina Emmanuel, to train the church’s 20 children’s ministry leaders…

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Every Generation Ministries found its Polish Director in Taiwan

When Every Generation Ministries (EGM) President, Daniel Watts, stepped down as the Director of EGM-Poland in 1997, the Polish Board of Directors chose Andrzej Michnik to serve as its Polish Director. Andrzej served in that role from 1998. Andrzej stepped down as the Polish Director, and after an interim period, the Polish Board of Directors…

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Father and Children Camp in Romania Bridges Relationships

Challenge dad! Build a footbridge with dad! These two sentences are the two ways one could understand the double meaning in the Romanian title of the father and children camp organized this summer by EGM Romania. The Romanian title is “Pun’te cu tata!” In Romania, every pastor teaches about the important responsibility that rests on a…

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Global Networking Efforts with David Overstreet

My wife was born in a small town and when we visit, it seems like everyone knows Marla’s mother. They wave when she drives by and it seems as though someone knows her in every store we enter. She could run for mayor. At Every Generation Ministries, or EGM, David Overstreet is like that, except…

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