Children’s Ministry Training at Iglesia Latina

In April 2014, Pastor Federico Salas and his daughter, Ana, drove all the way from San Diego to Santa Ana to attend an Every Generation Ministries (EGM) children’s ministry training program. They enjoyed it so much that they invited EGM to the church he pastors, Iglesia Latina Emmanuel, to train the church’s 20 children’s ministry leaders in January 2015.

Children's ministry training leaders
Children's ministry training

Children’s ministry training a success!

This children’s ministry training program was realized by several members of the Hispanic Ministries team. One highlight from the program included the participation of six high school boys who currently mentor several children. Another highlight was the excitement and creativity that transpired during a working session when the teachers modified an EGM lesson to teach to the children in their classes.

Children’s ministry leaders share the Word of God every day.

Pastor Federico participated in the entire event, as he did in April, and thanked us multiple times for investing in the lives of the children’s ministry leaders. These leaders faithfully invest in the lives of the children each and every week. We look forward to seeing how God uses the seeds that were planted to bring about great fruit in the lives of children at Iglesia Latina Emmanuel!

Hard at work children's ministry training
Creativity at children's ministry training


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