We exist to help churches around the world provide transformational ministry to children within their unique context.

Updates From Our Coordinator
Instead of meeting in person with the teachers in Romania this Fall, we have had to take the Special Needs Course online via Zoom. In doing this, we have been able to reach teachers not only in Romania but also those who are living abroad in Austria and Italy! I was also asked to be a speaker for the country-wide EGM Romania conference. Again, we were able to reach even more teachers by taking it online. We were also able to share the video of with the other EGM ministries around the world. It’s been very encouraging to be able to reach so many leaders at one time this way!
To learn more about this important work and receive ministry updates, you can join Nancy's community on Facebook.
"This is the fulfillment of a life-long dream for EGM and for me. I have been involved with EGM since its founding in 1993. In the earliest days, I even handled the small administrative work of the ministry from our home. These past 20 years, I have served in the public education space developing programs for children with special needs; particularly autism. These two streams have merged together to allow me to help churches around the world minister to these precious children with disabilities."
- Nancy Wilson, EGM Special Needs Coordinator
Provide training for Sunday school teachers to equip them with specific tools
and resources they need to minister to these precious children.
Develop an all-encompassing resource that will be used in churches
to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ in a way that caters
to the specific needs of these children in each region.
Enabling our ministry to reach and support our special needs teachers
around the world through online collaborative platforms.
Partner with international churches to create a fully functioning
Special Needs program in national languages around the world.