Archive for September 2014

International Giving: Be Careful with the Coin

Why Christianity is a Foreign Religion (Part 2) Read Part 1: English Should Not be the Lingua Franca Three years ago, I stood in the sanctuary of a large church in Belarus that had the capacity to seat over one thousand people. Despite the size of the church, its congregation consisted of only a few…

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In Loving Memory of Oleta Earles

Fifteen years ago, I was traveling home to Poland and spoke to Marla just before boarding my transatlantic flight. Shortly after I boarded, Marla’s mother, Oleta Earles, called Poland from California to track down my whereabouts. The LORD had impressed on her that I was in some kind of danger and needed prayer. Marla assured…

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English Should Not be the Lingua Franca

Why Christianity is a Foreign Religion (Part 1) One Sunday, a Swedish Pastor visited our Polish church in Krakow, Poland. He did not speak Polish or English, and there was no Swedish-Polish translator. Therefore, in order for him to preach, the message was translated from Swedish into English and then English into Polish. The thirty minute sermon…

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Why Christianity is a Foreign Religion

My wife Marla and I moved to Poland in 1991, and over the next ten years worked to understand the Polish language and culture. In the beginning, we discovered the widespread perception that Evangelical Christianity was a foreign religion. Over the last twenty three years, this false perception has also been observed in Belarus, Latin…

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