Podcast: Too Young to Follow Jesus?
It seems like there’s an undertone in many churches that children’s ministry is “pre-ministry.” The idea is that we’re serving people who are not yet old enough to follow Jesus, have true faith in God or maybe make a meaningful contribution to the life of the church.
In this episode of “Better Children’s Ministry,” David Jesse talks with Daniel Watts about the value place on children by Jesus himself. When our focus in church is on discipleship and life transformation, we can help even the youngest among us experience a life that models Christ and joins His family.
4:29 – Is children’s ministry REAL ministry?
6:39 – Why would Jesus waste his time with toddlers?
8:20 – Is Christianity all about decision making and understanding?
10:47 – Some of the best disciples are children
12:35 – Helping children feel like they’re part of God’s family
16:25 – Encouragement for the discouraged