Children Can – and Do – Respond to God
Years ago, I was asked to preach in a church in Quilpué, Chile. Before the sermon, they took an offering. The ushers had large, shallow straw bowls. Four of them stood in the front of the sanctuary.
Down the pew from me was a young girl that looked to be about ten years old. She was all alone. When the pastor called for the offering, she stood up along with others, dug into her dress pocket and pulled out two coins. She took one and went to the front to give half of what she had to God.
When I finished preaching, the pastor was moved by the sermon and asked for another special offering – all of which would go to EGM-Chile. The ushers returned with the baskets.
I watched the same little girl rise up with the second coin and take it for the offering. A child was giving an offering for a ministry to…children.
God transforms the hearts of children
Every Generation Ministries believes that children can apply the Word of God and experience real-life transformation. In fact, we believe that this is the primary work God wants to do in the lives of boys and girls through churches around the world.
This is good news for children. This stands in contrast to the thought that children are just cute little people who merely listen to Bible stories, sing cute Bible songs and memorize Bible verses without any real spiritual transformation. These are all extremely valuable activities – when put into the biblical perspective that God wants all peoples to become disciples of Jesus Christ, including children.
EGM exists because every child must have a chance to respond to God’s Word. It is the Great Commission that compels us to help provide those opportunities. When I saw that little girl give everything she had to God, I was reminded of the powerful work He can do in the life of a child.