Reaching Children in Uganda
EGM’s East and Central Africa Resource Team Director, Emmanuel Manishimwe, recently shared this story about a Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement located in the Kamwenge district, in Southwest Uganda. The camp accommodates over 50,000 refugees fleeing from conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo, half of which are estimated to be children.
On July 7th and 8th, leaders from EGM had the opportunity to run the first two-day Model Children’s Worker course in the refugee camp. 70 Sunday school teachers participated at CEPAC St. Michael, a Pentecostal Church located in the center of the settlement. Many churches and denominations were represented from within the settlement and surrounding neighborhood.

Emmanuel Manishimwe leading a prayer with children’s workers from Uganda and DRC.
The settlement has a total of 120 pastors according to the camp’s chairperson of the Pastors’ Association. And according to the host leader, Pastor Safari Akili, there are about 100 churches in the settlement.
Vizazi Uganda leader, Paul Ocen, and the Vizazi Uganda team plan to follow up with and visit the refugee camp soon. Plus, they plan to host a second Model Children’s Worker training session in Rwamwanja in the next 6 months. Please join in prayer for the visits being planned to help in reaching children and youth living without hope.
A Crying Child
At the end of the training, around 3pm, leaders noticed a crying child by the church. He looked like he had been crying for a very long time. When the leaders inquired they were reliably informed the child hadn’t eaten anything since morning. He is one of several orphaned children that hang around the church daily.
The Case of Zawadi
Zawadi is a Sunday school teacher at her church and was the youngest participant in the training session. She was very active during the course. At the end of the training, leaders had an opportunity to learn more about her. They learned that she was not able to continue with school because she ran away to save her life and left her school documents behind.
Due to a great difference in educational standards between Uganda and DRC, it’s very difficult to verify Congolese students’ grades through interviews, because they were not being taught in English and syllabuses are completely different. As a result, she decided to stay at home to help with domestic chores. Today she’s 17 years old and growing. She has not progressed with any education, even though the society has drastically changed over the last few years.
Zawadi represents thousands of vulnerable youth and children in the camp. Please pray for Zawadi and the many youth who are in similar positions. Pray that God provides effective vocational studies for children’s workers reaching children in Uganda and DRC.
Many children in Uganda and DRC have yet to hear of the transformational love God offers in a way that will resonate in their own lives.