Podcast: The Buzz
There is often a temptation in ministry to judge our success by big numbers and big programming that creates a lot of “buzz” around activities. God uses high quality events and programs to do amazing things. But the goal in ministry isn’t programming; it’s life transformation. In this episode of “Better Children’s Ministry,” Daniel reminisces about his time as a Children’s Pastor, the best KidMin buzz he ever generated and how to refocus our ministry on the real lives of boys and girls.
1:50 – What’s “the buzz?”
4:20 – The KidMin “machine”
7:50 – Going Mach-8 with your hair on fire
9:40 – Making taco salads in garbage cans
16:03 – Big outreach and relational discipleship isn’t an either/or situation
19:57 – Children are attracted to genuine relationships, transformational teaching and a sense of belonging.
26:40 – Encouragement for the discouraged