Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
As EGM’s fiscal year comes to a close this June, we are celebrating the powerful truth that boys and girls around the world can know and experience “Jesus Loves Me.” Will you join us in thanking God for the work he has done through churches and children’s ministry leaders in 14 countries this past year? Will you prayerfully consider supporting EGM with a one-time gift?
The Message is Simple…
Walk into almost any Sunday School class of two-year-old children, and you’re likely to hear small, sweet voices singing the words, “Yes! Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.” This children’s song embodies a very important truth. It simplifies theology and doctrine into a message that is easily understood by even a young child. There is a God. His name is Jesus. He loves me. His story is in the Bible.
The Message is Memorable…
But it’s more than that. This song sticks with us. Make your way from that class of two-year-olds into another filled with senior citizens. Ask these saints who have lived their whole lives following Jesus to sing it. Their eyes will sparkle, and their voices will join together as they fondly remember the message that focused their lives.
The Message is Transformative…
It’s easy to dismiss these words as too-simple lyrics to a children’s song. But this is a message that resonates from megachurches of the U.S. to refugee camps in Lebanon to fields in the Congo and everywhere in between. It is a message that has impacted millions of lives for decades and will continue to transform lives for decades to come. It is the message that Every Generation Ministries is helping churches communicate to children in 15 countries right now. And God willing, we will help churches in many more countries share this message with children in the years go come.
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong
Yes! Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
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