Faithful Service in Ministry: Rick Fortier
Fourteen years ago, I sat in a room filled with Chilean children, watching a young teacher who had been involved in training with Every Generation Ministries. Sitting next to me was Rick Fortier, the man who had organized the entire ministry trip to Chile.
As we participated in the lesson, Rick’s face was filled with emotion as God was using him to bring the Gospel to children in his birth country.
Since that first trip…
Rick has traveled over 500,000 miles with me; developing ministry in Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Peru. He has spent hundreds of hours translating teaching materials into Spanish. There are even times during real-time translation when he “translates” a phrase into Spanish before I say it in English! Rick has served on the Board of Directors in Chile and Argentina, and currently serves as the Chairman of the EGM Board of Directors in the U.S. For a period of time, Rick even served EGM as the interim Latin America Coordinator, contributing 10-15 hours a week to the ministry.
Faithful service requires a community
There are numerous people supporting EGM today prayerfully and financially because of Rick’s tireless efforts to share the ministry with others. This kind of commitment is only possible with the support of family. Rick’s wife, Gaile, has made countless sacrifices, allowing him to serve in a very significant way with EGM. In addition, the four Fortier boys have been faithful supporters of EGM alongside their father.
I thank God for Rick Fortier and his commitment to Christ and faithful service in seeing children being transformed in Christ through His Church in Latin America. I am thankful to God for Rick’s ministry with EGM and look forward to the day when he will be standing before the throne of God with thousands of little Latin American children giving glory to the Lamb.