Speical Needs Ministry

In response to His love for children with special needs, God has called Nancy to serve with Every Generation Ministries to help launch the Special Needs Ministry
This is the fulfillment of a life-long dream for EGM and for Nancy and a large need around the world. Nancy has been involved with EGM since its founding in 1993. In the earliest days, I even handled the small administrative work of the ministry from our home. These past 20 years, I have served in the public education space developing programs for children with special needs; particularly autism. These two streams have merged together to allow me to help churches around the world minister to these precious children with disabilities.
EGM is a faith mission and their staff rely on the support of individuals and churches. An important first step in my work with EGM is to gather together a team of people who will support my ministry work financially and prayerfully.