In the heart of central Ukraine, amid the tumultuous landscape of war, a remarkable story of resilience and dedication unfolded in Svitlovodsk, a city that had become a sanctuary for refugees fleeing from the eastern regions. At a recent training for teachers, Zhenya, a young woman from Kharkiv, stood out as a testament to unwavering commitment and hope. Though safety beckoned from distant lands, Zhenya chose to remain in Kharkiv, driven by a profound calling to serve the children of her community. In a city where Sunday school teachers were scarce, she recognized her mission. Lacking formal teaching experience but rich in determination, Zhenya sought training that would equip her for this vital ministry.

Her journey to the EGM Ukraine training was itself a remarkable testament to her resolve. Navigating through a landscape marked by constant shelling, prolonged electricity outages, and substantial financial constraints, she invested considerable resources and effort to attend. The challenges could have deterred a less passionate individual, but Zhenya's spirit remained unbroken.

During the training days, her transformation was palpable. Her curious eyes sparkled with newfound understanding, and her heart seemed to be touched by a deeper sense of purpose. Among her fellow teachers, Zhenya worked diligently, absorbing every lesson and insight with remarkable enthusiasm. As the training concluded, Zhenya shared not just the challenges of her church, but a vibrant vision for change. Her renewed awareness of her role in children's ministry, coupled with fresh inspiration and strategic methods using EGM’s ministry model, ignited a powerful desire to serve with renewed strength.

Zhenya’s commitment to showing children the greatness of God even in the midst of extraordinary difficulties remained unshakeable. Her story is a powerful narrative of hope, resilience, and unwavering faith, shining brightly against the backdrop of conflict and uncertainty.

Thank you for equipping Zhenya and children's leaders in churches worldwide with transformational resources to reach more children with Christ's love.

India Report - FY22 Q3 (8.5 × 2 in)