Travel Update: Krysten Norkaitis in Mexico
Last month, I had the privilege of traveling to Mexico City to work with EGM-Mexico‘s Director, Benjamin Calderon, and a few key leaders. The purpose of the trip was to begin their training process on the five qualities of a Model Children’s Worker and to challenge them to teach others what they learn.
What is a “Model Children’s Worker?”
The Model Children’s Worker is the teaching model we use here at EGM. It is a model that is taken from Deuteronomy 6. It shows Christian leaders how to teach Bible stories to children in a meaningful, interactive way. The goal is for each child to not only understand God’s word, but to respond to what they have learned by living it out.
The Mexican leaders are filled with love for God. They are passionate about discipling children in their country. Right now, they are preparing to teach all they have learned to others. One leader, Sandra, was especially excited to learn how to teach the Bible to children using EGM’s model. Even before she received the training, she started inviting leaders to participate in a follow-up session she wanted to lead! She knew that the Model Children’s Worker would be just what the children’s leaders in her city need.
Becoming a leader of leaders
On Saturday, July 22nd the work began to multiply. Sandra and others led their first Model Children’s Worker course for children’s leaders from several churches in Oaxaca, Mexico. In August, it will continue to expand as they do the same thing in Mexico City. I will return to Mexico in September to continue to develop the Mexican leaders. We will dive deeper into each of the five qualities of discipleship and teaching encapsulated in the teaching model. I can’t wait to see how God is going to use these leaders to grow the work that will enable more Mexican children to learn how to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.