Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Podcast: Entering 2019 with Thanks


So here we are approaching the new year. As we were thinking about what to discuss for this episode, we were thinking about what would bring us all into 2019 in the right frame of mind. So on this episode of Better Children’s Ministry, Daniel and Kelli talk about thankfulness and how important it is…

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Podcast: EGM’s Year-End Celebration


Every year at EGM, the staff gets together and we pray and discuss what will be the focus of our year-end celebration. What will be the message in our annual Christmas card. What does God wants us to share about Him in light of our ministry to boys and girls. This year, the theme of…

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Welcome Them In Our Giving


Whenever we visited my wife’s parents, her mom always had food; usually chocolate chip cookies or something equally delicious. It was her way of welcoming us! I have to say it definitely made us feel welcomed. My children would start drooling as we drove up to Grandma’s house. Sometimes, you could smell them when the…

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Podcast: A Leader in Church and at Home


During this hectic holiday season, God’s call on our lives to minister to children can feel overwhelming. Balancing our responsibilities at home with our families and at church with our service can become very challenging. In this episode of Better Children’s Ministry, Daniel Watts walks us through 1 Timothy 3:4 and some of the qualifications…

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Welcome Them In Church


It was a normal Saturday night. Preparations for Sunday’s sermon were complete. I felt confident that everything was in order for the next day. None of the volunteers had texted or called to see they couldn’t show up for the next morning’s service. On Sunday morning, the routine began: a prayer before coffee, a review…

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Podcast: Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteer Appreciation

Volunteer appreciation is very valuable and very important. One of our goals through this podcast is to pour encouragement into our listeners with the hope that you can pour into those around you as well. We are especially praying for you during this hectic holiday season; we know things tend to get a little nutty!…

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Welcome Them


If you sit in church in the U.S., you will often hear, “Welcome to XYZ church. Turn to the person next to you and ‘welcome’ them.” In many cultures, welcoming someone means to invite them into your dwelling, offer them a meal and provide a place to stay. It is more than a simple greeting;…

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The Wondrous Awe of Christmas


“Come!” they told me… “A newborn King to see!” “Our finest gifts we bring…” “To lay before the King!” “So, to honor Him when we come.” Children love Christmas. There’s something about the season that grabs their attention. They love the presents – both giving and receiving them; the trees; the lights; the decorations; the…

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God Sent a Child


The young 21-year-old was “helping” in the two-year-old’s children’s ministry class where he volunteered on Sundays. The Children’s Director knew that he was struggling to understand the gospel but still wanted to serve. He was a physics student desperate to grasp what it meant to “believe.” On a Sunday in December, the two-year-olds had a…

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