EGM’s ministry team in Jordan sent out invitations to children in their community for summer camp in great anticipation of what God would do in the lives of the children who would attend. As summer camp was approaching, the camp director received a call from a mother who was unsure if she should send her son to camp. She explained that her son, Jabal, had behavioral issues and that she was hopeless he could change. The camp director encouraged her to send her son to camp and they prayed for God to touch his life and bring him PEACE. The first day of camp, Jabal caused trouble with a large group of children. A children’s worker was assigned to pay special attention to him and to help him adjust to camp. By the second day of camp, Jabal’s entire attitude began to change. He started participating in the camp activities, becoming a helper, and being friendly to other campers. God was touching Jabal and doing something new in his heart. When camp was over, he arrived home happy with a peaceful attitude. Jabal’s mother called the camp director once again, this time very thankful, and praised God for the work He had done in her son’s life!

Thank you for helping support Jabal and children like him around the world!